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Math Hacks: My book series for kids!

The perfect book series to help your kids feel confident and positive about math, or to help YOU help your kids with their homework!

5 Books to get kids excited about math
vanessa vakharia vanessa vakharia

5 Books to get kids excited about math

Math can sometimes be a challenging subject for kids, but it doesn't have to be boring! Math doesn’t just have to be worksheets, quizzes, and mad minutes - math can be fun, curious and full of adventure! Here are five of our favourite math books for kids!

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5 Creative ways to improve your math skills
vanessa vakharia vanessa vakharia

5 Creative ways to improve your math skills

“how do I improve my math marks” is one of the most frequently asked questions! The thing is, we’ve all heard the usual suspects: practice more, work harder, brush up on the basics. But what about the tips and tricks that help us get better at math, without us having to feel like we’re working our butts off indefinitely?

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5 Things to look for in a math tutor
vanessa vakharia vanessa vakharia

5 Things to look for in a math tutor

Math tutoring has grown in popularity in Toronto, but not all math tutors are created equal! Here are the top five things to look for if you’re thinking of hiring a math tutor!

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3 Ways to reframe exam season this year
vanessa vakharia vanessa vakharia

3 Ways to reframe exam season this year

The first exam season since 2019 is upon us and it’s pretty hard not to freak out. Whether you’re in Grade 9 or Grade 12, this season, we want you to make exams all about YOU. Here’s how!

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Math problems you can solve on the TTC
vanessa vakharia vanessa vakharia

Math problems you can solve on the TTC

We’ve all been there: you’re sitting on the subway, there’s absolutely ZERO service on your phone & chances are you’re thinking “yeah, well what else could I be doing on public transit? It’s not like I could be doing something totally awesome like MATH, right?” WELL, YES YOU CAN! Here is some awesome and simple Math you can do on the TTC to occupy your mind!

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5 Toronto coffee shops to study at
vanessa vakharia vanessa vakharia

5 Toronto coffee shops to study at

Tired of always doing your homework in the saaaaame spot? If you’re feeling like the answer is “YES”, it’s time to ditch your typical digs and grab a change of scenery by hitting one of our fave coffee shops!

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5 Ways to use breaks effectively while teaching online
vanessa vakharia vanessa vakharia

5 Ways to use breaks effectively while teaching online

Online learning can be tough, especially for students who have trouble paying attention in the best of times! Our tutors have discovered a simple yet effective way to ensure that kids are engaged and motivated while online learning. The secret? Breaks!

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5 Snow day math activities
vanessa vakharia vanessa vakharia

5 Snow day math activities

Toronto may be experiencing its FIRST EVER TWO-SNOW-DAYS-IN-A-ROW IN THE HISTORY OF ALL TIME…but that doesn’t mean we can’t still do math! Here are some of our fave snow day math activities to make the most of your snow day!

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5 Hacks to motivate you to do your math homework
vanessa vakharia vanessa vakharia

5 Hacks to motivate you to do your math homework

One of the reasons that so many kids come to us for math tutoring, is that they need a boost of motivation when it comes to studying or doing homework! Here are five techniques we teach our students to help motivate them to put in that extra effort in math class!

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